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Co-working: Is the Concept Defunct or Changing?


By and


May 14, 2020

Over the last several years, the demand for choice, 传统工作空间的灵活性和自主性呈指数级增长. Shifts in demographics, advances in technology, 决策速度的加快导致工作场所的组织围绕着更喜欢选择工作地点和工作方式的员工. New business models, driven foremost by technology start-ups, 引发了人们对各种公司如何管理指数级增长并接受不断变化的重新思考. 这使得更多的传统公司将这些模式视为促进创新的机会, 吸引人才,开发新的方法来满足他们的业务和办公需求. These new models, referred to most often as ‘co-working’, rely on a key element, 部分采用了酒店行业的流行趋势:以社区为中心的环境, 通过一系列旨在支持创造力的俱乐部成员服务来培养, productivity and collaboration.

疫情导致的远程工作清楚地表明,许多专业人士不需要在办公室保持工作效率. 它也明确表示,重返办公室将面临挑战, especially as we consider social distancing, hygiene and the communal spaces present in most offices, including washrooms, lunch areas, ad hoc meeting spaces, and meeting rooms. 在我们的全球在家工作实验中,似乎还缺少一个要素, and that is the human factor, 其中包括社会关系和个人经历,从而促进真正的创新. 技术驱动的解决方案,如电话会议或虚拟会议,无法满足人为因素. Ultimately, the need for social interaction, 在不久的将来,团队建设和社区参与将使我们再次走到一起.

Given our current, and potentially long-term, approach to social gathering, 向传统公司推销以人为中心的联合办公优势的能力可能会减弱, 全世界都在努力应对人际接触带来的焦虑, community spaces and sharing touch-down space with strangers. Understanding whether we are in the midst of a passing phase, or on the brink of a new tomorrow, 了解办公环境的持续演变是最大的挑战之一吗. 似乎大多数企业都在考虑重返工作岗位的策略应该是什么样的, and what to do with the office spaces they once occupied, both traditional and communal. 虽然回到私人办公室似乎是明智的,因为它可以通过距离保证安全, spaces like these no longer respond to the way we think, behave and undertake business.

As the Interior Design Lead for IBI’s Buildings sector, 乔对我们的客户所面临的挑战有着与生俱来的理解, across all verticals, today. With extensive experience gained from projects in the Middle East, Asia, Europe and the Americas, 他很欣赏品牌的重要性,以及如何将品牌整合到建筑环境中,以实现项目和组织的成功. Joe领导着一个极具创造力和才华的全球专业团队,专注于人们所占据的空间, that spans corporate workplace, transportation, hospitality, residential, retail, healthcare, education and institutional arenas.

Barry Nathan has over 30 years of experience in both architectural and interior design这让他对两个领域的实践有了令人羡慕的理解. 他的作品包括大型商业客户和复杂的公共空间,包括 higher education and high-rise residential projects. 替代设计方法使Barry能够为具有进步思想的客户提供非常独特和创造性的解决方案. 他善于通过创新的解决方案解决问题,帮助许多客户成功实现了他们的目标. He is always challenging the status quo with an alternative view. Barry过去的一些奖项包括皮尔逊机场的设计交流奖和ARIDO奖, Denton’s Toronto and the Bell Wireless Centre in Mississauga. 他正在OAA完成他的建筑许可证,并拥有TSA和ASID的会员资格.

Headshot of Joe Pettipas

Written by Joe Pettipas

Director | Interior Design Lead, Buildings
Toronto, ON
Headshot of Barry Nathan

Written by Barry Nathan

Associate Director | Practice Lead, Interior Design
Toronto, ON
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